Monday, 23 August 2010

to chuck or not to chuck. That IS the question

My wardrobe is over flowing. I have no room left under my bed, my chest of draws is bulging and there is a bow in the rail in my spare room cupboard. I have am not going to say I have too many clothes. I simply don't have enough room for them.

10 years ago my mum and dad split up and my dad moved out. From the cupboard "space" left in their bedroom you wouldn't have guessed he'd ever lived there, my mum had managed to some how use up their entire 7 wardrobes!!

A newly singleton she decided she needed a makeover, and gave me, her impressionable 16 year old daughter, who thought dressing like a member of Steps was the height of cool, the job of attacking her wardrobe.
My Mum & Auntie - probably late 70s

When I think back to what I made her chuck away, as she sat on the end of her bed watching me throw handfuls of her clothes into old bags, it brings tears to my eyes...
  • 1 ivory linen drop waist maxi dress - chucked.
Mum:"are you sure you won't want to wear that one day" Me:"yuck, no its gross"
  • 3 long sleeved 1970 baby doll dresses - chucked.
Me: "Oh my god Mum how did you ever get away wearing these"
  • 10+ 90s rock t-shirts, one for every concert of Guns & Roses, Metalica and Smashing Pumpkins she had been uck ed
Mum: "do you know how much they cost me?!"
  •  Packs and packs of 80s stockings and coloured tights - thrown
  • 1970 beaded handbags, beaded clutches - gone
  •  Multiple Laura Ashley 70/80s tea dresses - chucked
70s Vintage Beaded Bag
So in summary my mum was 10 years ago sitting on a gold mine of what today, would be the staple basis of my wardrobe. Devastating.

Clearing out the family home only 5 years later, having now graduated from Uni, I found the contents of my dressing up chest. To my delight I came across an original 1970s tan leather belt, 60s white leather waist belt with over sized buckle, a shoulder length multicoloured beaded bag, a black beaded clutch bag, my nan's 1940s dusky pink drop waisted tea dress and a 80s sequined boob tube. These items have now been placed firmly in my expanding wardrobe.

So was my mum on to something? Will one day I be sitting in my bedroom with a daughter wishing her to wear the contents of my most treastured Noughties outfits? Probably not. But  for me with my bulging wardrobe and over spilling chest of draws, I am going to say Yes, I hope so. For her sake I am prepared to save and hold on to the staple Noughties key peices, hope they stand the test of time and wait for the fashion to come back around!

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